Artist Statement


By contemplating nourishment and it’s mysteries in times bountiful or not, I find my perch. Mine is a small space on earth, and just as people come together to share a meal,I strive to share images and ideas that, layer by layer, are me.

Recently I have focused on the three main foods that feed the world:rice, wheat, and corn(or maize). Evolving from a previous involvement with seeds, I am exploring nourishment from the perspective of the soul and the soil. Farmers, land, food culture, politics, science, history, and time are all pieces of this puzzle.

Fortunately, I have a companion to help me dig into my subject. She stomps around my studio making gruff comments, suggesting changes, and demanding to play a role. Her name is Loretta. She came to me in a dream. Loretta is demanding and loud. You should know that she has a sharp eye and the ability to observe from great heights.

You can find us in the studio satisfying our appetites-the crow and me. We are together spinning our tales and taking our chances with materials and process. New possibilities and understandings lie ahead.